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(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Global Crusade.



Imagine a vibrant open-air arena, pulsating with life as a diverse crowd gathers under the open sky. Multilingual praise music fills the air, setting the stage for a powerful evening of worship and the proclamation of the Gospel. This is a typical GCK Global Crusade. Guest music ministers from various cultural backgrounds enrich the GCK experience with a rich blend of worship styles and expressions. Worship leaders like Paul Baloche, Jonathan White, Don Moen, and Bob Fitts, as well as Nigerian gospel sensations like Dunsin Oyekan and Nathaniel Bassey contribute to the dynamic worship experience. Dr. William Kumuyi takes the pulpit during the crusade, bringing the simple, saving Gospel to the seated audience and social media participants across the globe. Hands are lifted as people pledge their lives to Jesus accepting the Gospel with shouts of joy heard across the field as healings and miracles follow.
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The Global Crusade was birthed out of the need to further share the good news of Christ. Christ saves from sin, delivers from destruction, heals regardless of the disease, and provides His children with an eternal home.


Beyond Borders

GCK crusades transcend geographical boundaries, having touched countless lives in numerous locations across the globe. Past crusades have left a mark on communities across Cameroon, Togo, Ghana, nearly every state in Nigeria, as well as major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai in India. While each crusade goes on at the alpha location, hundreds of thousands connect via social media to experience the same power and presence of God. Attendees are afforded a unique chance to encounter God, hear the saving Gospel preached to them, and witness the miraculous power of the prayer of faith.

Mighty Miracles

Night after night, the atmosphere is charged with anticipation as attendees witness the mighty healings and miracles that unfold before their eyes. From the blind receiving sight to the lame walking again, and the sick being instantly restored to health, miraculous occurrences abound. Just as this is happening, reports of same miracles begin to pour in from the social media participants. Far or near, God's mighty power is not limited. Each healing and miracle assure us that God's power is very much at work in the midst of His people today, stirring great faith in our hearts as we witness these awe-inspiring demonstrations of God's love and compassion.