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God Did the Impossible

In August, we traveled to Effurun, a town in Delta State, southern Nigeria, for the GCK crusade. A wave of spiritual revival swept through the city, drawing thousands to the open field daily. The atmosphere was electric, charged with a sense of unity and anticipation. Each evening began with a powerful moment of prayer as participants lifted their voices in heartfelt supplication to God.

The local choir led us in dynamic worship, setting the stage for a powerful encounter with the life-changing power of Christ. These vibrant melodies echoed across the globe through live broadcasts, uniting believers from different corners of the world in worship and adoration. Faith-stirring songs from choirs across Africa, Europe, and beyond built the faith of the people, preparing participants for God’s move. The scripture, “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise,” came alive as young children from Kano State, Nigeria, delivered a stirring rendition of “Don’t Stop Praying.”

Delta State’s Deputy Governor, Chief Monday John Onyeme, represented the Governor at the event and spoke highly of Dr. Kumuyi’s global impact and commitment to the Great Commission. He shared how he had followed Dr. Kumuyi’s ministry from afar for many years and now felt privileged to meet him in person.

Jody McBrayer, an award-winning American singer/songwriter, was a tremendous blessing as he led worship each night before Dr. Kumuyi brought the word. His rendition of the iconic native song “Oghene Doh” was a poignant reminder of God’s enduring faithfulness and goodness. What better way to relish the merciful acts of God in the lives of the people since the inception of the GCK program?

Dr. Kumuyi delivered God’s word with simplicity and divine authority each night. Countless souls surrendered to Christ during the altar calls, marking the greatest miracle of all—the regeneration of hearts. Following the call to salvation, the tangible presence of God’s power manifested in miraculous healings of ulcers, diabetes, ovarian cysts, and kidney stones, all in the name of Jesus.

We rejoiced with a 15-year-old girl born deaf and mute who received her hearing and speech and a man bound by substance-induced psychosis who God delivered. In one remarkable instance, as people hurried to catch their rides home, an elderly man, previously unable to walk without assistance, cast aside his crutches and began running, mirroring the miracle of the lame man at the Temple as recorded in the Book of Acts. Glory to God!

The Impact Academy, tagged ‘Designed to Stand Out,’ celebrated the talents and potential of young people, featuring spoken word, pantomime, and musical presentations. In appreciation of his deep influence and impact, the leaders, on behalf of the young people of Delta State, presented Dr. Kumuyi with a massive portrait of himself standing tall and distinct. He blessed and encouraged them to stand out in all spheres of life. It was a thrilling, life-changing moment when Dr. Kumuyi personally called out some of the young presenters, shaking their hands and speaking words of inspiration. He shared his passion for seeing the youth excel beyond their wildest dreams.

This August edition of the GCK vividly demonstrated the theme, “The Possibilities of Faith in Christ,” as every moment, every message, and every miracle testified to the boundless potential and transformative power within faith in Christ.