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Miracles Overflow at GCK Douala

The May edition of the GCK campaigns was a resounding success! The crusade, which brought thousands of people together across the globe, was hosted in Douala, the capital city of the Littoral region of Cameroon, from May 23rd to May 28th, 2024. As themed, the transforming touch of the unchangeable Christ was felt at the alpha location in Douala and by virtual participants connected via live stream.

As has characterized the GCK over the years since its inception, the crusade united people of all classes and ages at the feet of the Savior to receive priceless blessings from heaven. Among the political and religious dignitaries in attendance, the people of Douala were elated to have the Governor of the Littoral region of Cameroon, His Excellency, Samuel Ivaha Diboua, and his wife, the First Lady of the region, in attendance.  The Governor warmly welcomed Dr. Kumuyi to the city of Douala. He also encouraged everyone in attendance to seek God genuinely during the Crusade, regardless of their previous religious knowledge or status.

The crusade showcased choirs from various countries, including Nigeria, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, and the United States, delivering soul-stirring renditions. These beautiful performances in different languages paid homage to God’s saving and sustaining power, transcending distance and language barriers. Indeed, when Christ said to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, He not only meant it but also provided the grace to complete this assignment.

The alpha location choir in Douala, along with international music minister Min. Dan Luiten, a renowned author, composer, and worship pastor from Momentum Church in Bordeaux, France, graced the crusade with powerful songs and hymns. Luiten’s worship music stirred the faith of the congregants, preparing their hearts for the profound messages delivered by Dr. Kumuyi.

Each night, Dr. W. F. Kumuyi shared powerful messages from God’s word, drawing parallels between the miracles of Christ in biblical times and contemporary spiritual and physical needs. His words resonated deeply, and those convicted by the Holy Spirit were invited to embrace Jesus, opening the door to receive the spiritual and physical blessings of Christ’s miracles. As prophesied, ‘In the day of God’s power, the people shall be willing.’ The crusade nights were filled with the inspiring sight of numerous individuals surrendering their lives to Jesus, both at the alpha location and globally, through live streams. Following succinct prayers from Dr. Kumuyi, roves of testimonies of healing and deliverance poured in from the alpha and remote locations, showcasing God’s power transcending space and time.

Miracles abounded: crutches and walking aids were discarded, mental illnesses and epilepsies healed, the deaf and mute restored, and depression and suicidal ideation vanished. Cancerous malignant lumps disappeared, and paralyses were revoked, demonstrating the power of God as evidently as it was in the days of the apostles!

A highlight of the May GCK edition was the Impact Academy for Youths, an initiative through which Dr. Kumuyi empowers the next generation. Themed ‘From Grace to Glory,’ the academy provided a platform for young talents to shine. It featured engaging seminars from distinguished leaders, interactive Q&A sessions, and a showcase of youth talents, including scientific inventions, drama, and a bilingual spoken word performance. Dr. Kumuyi closed the academy with a powerful and soul-lifting sermon, encouraging the youths to be shining examples of Christian excellence in everything they do, regardless of the distractions and discouragements of this time and age.

The crusade concluded with a timeless message from Dr. Kumuyi, emphasizing the final touch that perfects the peace of salvation, adding purity and power to sustain believers in their Christian journey until they see Jesus.

By both heavenly and earthly standards, the GCK in Douala was a smashing success. Glory to God!