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God Called; Kumasi Answered

In the day of God’s power, the people shall be willing. During the July edition of the Global Crusade with Kumuyi (GCK) held in Kumasi, Ghana, God called, and tens of thousands of people in Ghana and across the globe answered. The GCK, themed “Full Salvation and Total Healing through Christ,” brought down the power of God in word and deed and delivered precisely what God promised—the salvation of souls in their thousands and divine healing by the unchanging Christ, as in the days of the Acts of the Apostles.

If you ever doubted the power and true essence of unity among God’s people across denominations, races, and social strata, you should have witnessed the Kumasi GCK. A formidable crowd representing different tribes, tongues, and social classes gathered every evening from Thursday, July 25th, to Tuesday, July 30th, 2024, at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium in Kumasi. Thousands more across the globe joined online to hear the life-changing gospel of Christ and experience God’s miraculous power.

The program at the alpha location—Kumasi, Ghana—was graced by several religious, political, and traditional dignitaries within and outside the Ashanti region of Ghana, including a representative of the traditional head of the Ashanti people, the Otumfuo Nana Osei Tutu II. The representative, standing in for the Ashanti king, shared that in opening its doors to the GCK movement, the Ashanti community reinforced its stance as a beacon of peace and unity. He thanked the GCK team for extending the love of Christ to the region through the GCK medical and community outreach, which preceded the six-day crusade. He reminded the congregation that the GCK was an avenue to worship in oneness, reflect as a community, seek divine guidance, and fortify spiritual values. He encouraged the people to take full advantage of the program to commit the future of the community and the country of Ghana to God’s hands.

Since its inception, the GCK crusades have been a representative picture of the unity in the body of Christ regardless of race, tribe, or tongue. Several musical renditions once again showcased this unity in diversity on each day of the crusade from choirs across the globe. From the mountaintops of Nepal to the vast plains of Australia, across oceans and ponds, God’s beauty and power were relayed via melodious tunes in varying tongues by choirs from different nations. With their glory-filled music pieces, the Kumasi Choir set the atmosphere for the promised outpouring of God’s power and blessings upon his people, and were they soaked!

Just before Dr. W.F. Kumuyi came up each night, Jeff Deyo, the guest music minister, delivered a beautiful rendition of worship and praise. Jeff Deyo, an American Christian music artist, professor, author, podcaster, songwriter, and worship leader, is a familiar face to the GCK movement, having joined the crusade several times as a guest music minister. In true and godly fashion, Jeff Deyo led the global congregation in heart-warming, soul-stirring, and spirit-lifting praise and worship, constantly featuring songs in the native language of the Kumasi people, putting big smiles on the faces of the locals as they lifted holy hands and pure hearts in worship. What a beautiful and sublime experience! It makes you wonder how beautiful our assembly and choir in heaven must be!

To close off the crusade each night, Dr. Kumuyi mounted the podium to deliver the program’s highlight—the word of God, mighty to save, heal, and deliver! Teaching the promise and the power of God to save from sin, sickness, and Satan, Dr. Kumuyi brought the word of God to the people in simple, uncomplicated, and direct words backed up by the power of God. Following the teaching each night, he invited people to receive the gift of salvation. And each night, without fail, in response to this call, many thronged to Calvary at the alpha location of the GCK and virtually via streaming platforms to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. This incredible experience of salvation and restoration to the family of God was followed up with short but power-packed prayers by Dr. Kumuyi for the healing of the sick and deliverance for those oppressed by the devil. As He promised in Jeremiah 33:3—“Call unto me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not.”—God showed up. Powerfully!

Verifiable testimonies came in droves from the alpha location and the online congregation. Whoever thought the power of God could be hindered by distance or language barrier hasn’t been a part of GCK. From motion-challenged people walking again to people with hearing and speaking challenges being completely healed and able to do the things they couldn’t do before, God was mighty at work in the lives of as many as believed.

The GCK in Kumasi, Ghana, was proof of the full salvation and total healing available to all who diligently seek and trust God for it. And we are not stopping anytime soon! In August 2024, the GCK train moves to Effurun in Nigeria, where God is set to showcase the great possibilities of faith in Christ. Don’t miss it!