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Chains Broken, Lives Transformed

The God of all possibilities, who parted the Red Sea in Moses’s time and performed countless miracles in the Acts of the Apostles, is still very much at work today. We saw his power displayed fully in the June edition of the GCK Crusade. Spanning continents and time zones, from South Asia and Africa to the far reaches of the Western Hemisphere, God’s mighty hand reached out to liberate lives, heal the sick, and set captives free.

The Alpha location in Gwagwalada, Abuja, became a hub of divine activity. Each day began with fervent prayers, seeking God’s presence and preparing hearts for the blessings to come. In the spirit of the psalmist’s call to enter God’s presence with thanksgiving and praise, thousands gathered on the crusade grounds, joined by tens of thousands more worldwide, lifting their voices in unified worship and high praises. This powerful chorus of tongues, tribes, and races was a beautiful foretaste of heaven’s clime. The palpable joy on the faces of the people was a testament to Psalm 122:1: ‘I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.’

A praying church is indeed a powerful church, and this crusade was a time of united praying. Ministers fervently offered heartfelt prayers for nations, church leaders, and individuals, interceding for God’s intervention in every corner of the globe.

The presence of key leaders from the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) underscored the unified effort to evangelize the world. Notable attendees included Reverend Father Bernard Anthony, Chairman of CAN Gwagwalada Area Council; Reverend Bayo Oladeji, CAN Secretary of Gwagwalada Area Council; and Reverend Austin Ayoosu, General Secretary of PFN Gwagwalada Area Council. Pastor Segun O. David, Director of Youth, Education, and Women Development of Abuja State, also graced the event.

In Matthew 24:14, Jesus said, “And this gospel shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.” This prophetic mandate was brought to life as choirs from around the globe ministered to the international audience in songs like ‘I Speak Jesus’ and ‘All Things Are Possible in Jesus’ Name,’ reinforcing the message that all things are possible through Jesus.

Noel Capangpangan from the Philippines led the global audience in soul-stirring worship. His heartfelt songs of faith and God’s power were a tremendous blessing, resonating deeply with listeners. Choirs from India further showcased the gospel’s reach, transcending language, tradition, and culture.

Dr. Kumuyi preached God’s word from India and the Philippines, nations he visited recently in his tireless dedication to spreading the gospel across lands and continents. His messages brought life and liberation, drawing countless souls to Christ. Seeing people from diverse backgrounds surrendering to Jesus reminded us of the promise that if Christ is lifted, He will draw all men to Himself.

The response to Dr. Kumuyi’s call for salvation was overwhelming as thousands signified their decision to follow Christ! Hallelujah! If the salvation of a single soul causes so much joy in heaven, we can only imagine the joyous celebration in the courts of heaven that weekend!

Many miracles and healings immediately followed Dr. Kumuyi’s prayer, further attesting to the power of Jesus’ name. Diseases of all kinds—from strangling tuberculosis and deadly cancers to painful paralysis and disabling blindness—bowed to the name of Jesus. We heard testimonies of healing from heart problems, arthritis, and high blood pressure. Among the numerous testimonies was that of Igwe Goodluck, who was delivered from the chains of gambling and suicidal thoughts as he stumbled upon a crusade venue. A woman diagnosed with fibroids experienced miraculous healing, rejoicing at the arrival of Dr. Kumuyi during a previous crusade in Jalingo, a city in northern Nigeria.

The youth were not left out of this transformative experience. The ‘From Zero to Hero’ session featured spoken word, drama, and musical performances. Wole Adedokun, a Partner with KPMG Advisory Service, spoke on ‘The Faith Patterns of Heroes,’ exploring how faith can turn ordinary individuals into spiritual achievers. Dr. Kumuyi, in his message, ‘The Making of an Empowered Hero through Watchfulness through an Empty Zero,’ poured out his hearts and provided valuable insights and wisdom, using the acronym ‘WATCH’ to guide young people toward success.

We saw God in action. We are fired up. We will not stop in this vision to take the gospel to every creature!